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Pocock Industrial, Inc.
A leading chemical and hydrometallurgical engineering consulting company
that specializes in solving the world’s most difficult solid/liquid separation problems.
Since 1983, we have served broad spectrum industry and have provided SLS testing services to many of the major Mining, Oil, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Food, and Environmental companies. We also serve as consultants to Engineering companies, Research organizations, Legal and Academia.
We believe the combination of substantial practical experience, engineering capability, and integration of laboratory through operating plant process knowledge, provides a basis for exceptional service.

Flexible Solutions
We work on a flexible basis and will provide services from complete project responsibility to limited solids/liquid separation testing and consulting.
Professional Solutions
We will work within tight budget constraints, under secrecy agreement, and provide our services on a competitive basis.
Upon request, we will provide a proposal for specific services
developed in coordination with client needs.