Static Clarification Testing:
Static clarification tests can be conducted on each distinct sample. The effect that, flocculant dosage, underflow density and other controllable physical parameters, within flowsheet constraints, has on Unit Area can be examined. Predicted suspended solids in the overflow liquor, is also gleaned from static tests.Data collected would allow for the following determinations: 1-Static clarification tests to examine the effect of feed solids concentration and flocculant dosage on clarifier overflow suspended solids concentration as a function of time. 2-To collect a general set of data for the design and sizing of conventional cylindrical clarifiers as an aid in determining tank sizing requirements with respect to overflow suspended solids concentration.
Dynamic Clarification Testing:
Continuous tests can be conducted on each distinct sample in a bench-scale dynamic clarifier. Again, feed solids, flocculant dosage, system hydraulics and so forth can be examined to define parameters important for sizing and operating a clarifier. Data collected would allow for the following determinations: 1-Continuous high rate thickening tests to examine feed rate (hydraulic stress) versus flocculant dosage and feed solids sensitivity at known pH. 2-Static extension tests to predict underflow solids concentration with time in the dynamic test unit at higher rake speeds, as compared to results produced from standard conventional thickening test methods with a lower rake speed.
Pressure Clarification Testing:
A general set of pressure filtration data can be collected to examine the effect of pre-coat and/or body feed filtration aid, filter feed solids, cake thickness on filtrate production rate and clarity, thus enabling the design and sizing of pressure clarifiers. Data collected would allow for the following determinations: 1-Continuous pressure clarification tests to collect a general set of filtration data to design and size pressure clarifiers, 2-Examine the effect of feed solids concentration on clarification flow rate, cycle time, and filtrate clarity.
Vacuum Pre-coat Drum Filter Testing:
A general set of vacuum pre-coat filtration data can be collected to examine the effect of pre-coat knife advance, cake deposition thickness and cycle time on filtrate production rate, thus enabling the design and sizing of pre-coat drum type of vacuum filters. Samples can be filtered directly, or after pre-thickening, depending on the flowsheet you specify.